Web site management. Secure, reliable web hosting & monitoring
plus 'continuous improvement' maintenance, web business intelligence,
EZ upgrades... rest assured.
page original design web site. Put your
company or organization on the web for a minimum cost with
full growth potential. Add
to your home page a services and products page, an About You,
Contact, Catalogue -Shopping Cart...whatever you need.
the features of Mauka-Foundation plus progressive promotion
through consistent monthly web marketing with actionable
reports. We recommend Mauka-Max to all of our customers to
maximize their web investment. .
your static web site into an easily updatable dynamic database
driven site. Dramatically increase your functionality while
decreasing your maintenance costs. Put yourself in control
of your site.
your competitors and win your share of the market with proven
web marketing strategies. SEO (search engine optimization),opt-in
email, rich media newsletters + 10 pages optimized with 10
key phrases for maximum results.
web development and design - our specialty: Don't see the
package that fits you? We'll create the perfect site for your
needs and budget. Lets talk it over. Call
us for a free consultation 808-551-1896.
is your true web potential? How much can you earn from one
new customer? If your product is premium
you must invest in the best! Convert visitors to buyers. Lets talk it
over. Call
us for a free consultation. 808-551-1896.